Galaxy United

A Galaxy United

Coverage Area: Ohio

Costume Types: All Costumes

Description: A Galaxy United is a charity focused organization and Star Wars costuming group focused on the Ohio community that utilizes the building and wearing of movie quality costumes from the Star Wars Universe to focus on charitable events and other opportunities in the community to provide happiness to people of all diverse backgrounds, with the intent to spread good will, and bring joy to children and adults, while making a positive difference in the lives of others.

Galaxy United is a 501c3 charity that is registered as a non-profit organization in the State of Ohio, where we focus coordinating our charity efforts and focus on Charity, Costuming, and Camaraderie.

Website: Galaxy United

Facebook: A Galaxy United Facebook

Galaxy United

Our vision is to bring characters from the Star Wars Universe to life for fans around our State of Ohio for the purpose of making people happy while also focusing on helping various charities with similar goals.  We want to provide a drama free community where our members are respected by one another and all strive to focus on our mission and also focus on growing camaraderie with existing and new members, as well as other like-minded individuals within our community, while empowering all of our members to be able to have a voice and an impact in our organization.

Galaxy United is a volunteer Star Wars costume group, characters are represented by club members and not provided by LFL/Disney. Many of our members are members of other Star Wars costuming groups mainly because we accept all categories of quality costumes that fit within the Star Wars universe.